Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Microsoft SQL Server Query with Example

create database cmp1;     // First create database query
use cmp1

--How to create the table. // Create table query
create table employee
eid int,
ename varchar(25),
esalary int,
city varchar(25),
did int
create table department
deptid int,
deptname varchar(25)

select * from employee   // Table retrieve query
select * from department

--How to insert the Records

insert into employee values(1,'Cmp',25000,'Mumbai',1)
insert employee values(2,'Santosh',15000,'Delhi',2)
insert into employee(eid,ename,city,esalary,did) values(3,'Ajay','Mumbai',10000,1)
insert into employee values(4,'Shirish','Mumbai',35000,3)
insert into employee values('4','Shirish',30000,'mumbai',3)
insert into employee values(5,'Chetan')
insert into employee(eid,ename) values(5,'chetan')
insert into employee values(5,'Mihir',18000,'Chennai',4)
insert into employee values(6,'Mohan',16500,'Chennai',2)
insert into employee values(7,'Rishi',19500,'Delhi',5)
insert into employee values(8,'Pratik',55000,'Madras',4)

insert into department values(1,'IT')
insert into department values(2,'HR')
insert into department values(3,'Accounts')
insert into department values(4,'Finance')
insert into department values(5,'Sales')
insert into department values(6,'Marketing')
insert into department values(7,'Training')

---Create table with  Identity Column

create table emp
eid int identity(1,1),
ename varchar(25)

drop table emp
insert into emp values('PQR')
insert into emp values('abc')
insert into emp values('sfhdljgjdf')
select * from emp

--Creating the user-defined datatype
create type disc
from varchar(100) not null

create table abc
eid int,
empdesciption disc
drop table abc
drop type disc

insert abc(eid) values(1)

select * from abc

--Select Query
select * from employee

select eid,ename,esalary from employee

select 5+3+10 as 'TOTAL' from employee

select 8 from employee
select descs123 as 'TOTAL' from employee

select * from  employee

--Concatenating the String Value
select ename +' lives in '+ city as 'StayDetails' from employee

select ename + ' is getting ' + convert(varchar(10),esalary) +
 ' salary ' as 'salarydetails' from employee

--Calculation on Columns
select eid,ename,esalary/30 as 'PerDaySalary' from employee

select eid,ename,esalary*12 as 'YearlySalary' from employee
--Display Data with User defined Column Name
--Method 1

select eid as 'Employee ID',ename as 'Employee Name'
from employee

--Method 2
select 'Employee ID '=eid,'Employee Name'=ename from employee

--Method 3
select eid 'Employee ID' ,ENAME 'eMPLOYEE nAME' FROM EMPLOYEE

--- Select---Where Clause
select * from employee where eid=2

select * from employee where ename='CMP'

select * from employee where city='Mumbai'

select * from employee where did=2

select ename,esalary,city from employee where eid=2

--Update records
update employee set city='delhi',esalary=25000 where eid=5
update employee set esalary='50000' where ename='cmp'
select * from employee

--Distinct Keyword
select * from employee
select city from employee
select distinct city from employee
select distinct * from employee
--Logical Operator (AND/OR/NOT)
select * from employee where 
city='Mumbai' or city='Delhi'

select * from employee where city='Mumbai' and did=1

select * from employee where city='Mumbai' and city='delhi'

select * from employee where city='Delhi' and not city='Mumbai'

select * from employee where city='Delhi' or not city='Mumbai'

--Relational Operator  (< , >, <=, >= ,= ,!=)
select * from employee where esalary >15000

select * from employee where esalary >=15000

select * from employee where esalary < 15000

select * from employee where city='Mumbai' and esalary > 25000

select * from employee where esalary !=15000

select * from employee where city > 'MADRAS'

--Range Operator (Between/ Not Between)
select * from employee where esalary between 5000 and 25000

select * from employee where esalary not between 5000 and 25000

select * from employee where city between 'DELHI' and 'Mumbai'

select * from employee where city not between 'chennai' and 'delhi'

--List Operator (In/Not In)

select * from employee where city in ('Mumbai','Delhi')

select * from employee where city not in ('Mumbai','Delhi')

--Like Operator (WILDCARD CHARACTERS: %, _ ,[] ,[^] )

% --It Represents any sring of zero or more characters
_ --Represents a Single Character
[] --Represents any single character within the range.
[^] --Represents any single character not within the range.

select * from employee where city like 'M%'

select * from employee where ename like 's%'

select * from employee where ename like '%p'

select * from employee where city like 'M_'

select * from employee where ename like 'cm_'

select * from employee where ename like 'c_p'

select * from employee where city like '%a_'

select * from employee where ename like 'a%y'

select * from employee where ename like 's[AB]%'

select * from employee where ename like '%o%'

select * from employee where ename like 's[^a]%'

select * from employee where ename like 's[^a-g]%'

select * from employee where ename like 's%[]'


--It retrives the data where it is null
select * from employee where did is null

select * from employee where city is not null

--Using Aggregate Functions(avg/count/max/min/sum)
select sum(esalary)as 'Total' from employee

select sum(esalary)as 'Total' from employee where city='MUMBAI'

select sum(city) from employee

select count(esalary) from employee

select count(esalary) as 'Count' from employee where did=2

select count(city) as'COUNTING' from employee

select count(distinct city)from employee

select avg(esalary) from employee

select avg(esalary) from employee where city='mumbai'

select min(esalary) from employee

select min(esalary) from employee where city='chennai'

select max(esalary) from employee

select max(city) from employee

select min(city) from employee

-- Retrieving the data in Ascending or Descending order
-- (Default order is Ascending)

select * from employee order by esalary
select * from employee order by esalary asc

select * from employee order by ename

select * from employee order by esalary desc

select * from employee where city='Mumbai' order by esalary
--Using TOP Keyword
select top 3 * from employee

select top 2 * from employee where city='Mumbai'

select top 2 * from employee where city='Mumbai'
order by esalary desc

select top 25 percent * from employee

--About Database and table
--Whenever we install SQL Server Five System Databases are Automatically
--  created.We can not drop this system defined databases.
--1)Master Database contains all the system related and 
--  the server-specific configuration Information, 
--  including authorized users, system configuration settings.
--  It also stores the initialization information of the
-- sql server.
--  Hence if the master database is not available the
--  SQL database engine will not be started.

--2)tempdb database is a temporary database that holds all the 
-- temporory tables and stored procedures.

--3)model database acts as a template for the new databases.
--  whenever a new database is created the contents of the model
--  database is copied into the new database.

--4)msdb database supports sql sever agent.
-- it performs the task of backup exception handling,
--alert management(Errors).

--5)Resourse database is a read only database that
-- contains all the system objects such as system defined
-- stored procedures,system defined views.

--Database files.
-- Each database is stored as a set of files on the hard 
-- disk of the computer.
-- There are three database files.
--1)Primary data file
--    It contains the database objects. used to store user data
--    and objects.
--    It has the .mdf extension.

--2)Secondary data file
--   it also stores the database objets.database need not have secondary 
--   data files if the primary data file is large enough to hold all
--    the data in the database.
--   It has .ndf extension.

--3) Transction log file
-- It stores all the information about the Transaction(Insert,delete,update)
-- that have ocrured in the database.
--  at least one transaction log file must exist for a database.
--  It has .ldf extension.

--about database
sp_helpdb 'cmp'
sp_helpdb cmp123

sp_renamedb 'olddbname','newdbname'

sp_renamedb 'cmp123','cmp'

drop database xyz

--about tables
sp_help employee
sp_help 'emp'
sp_rename 'emp123','employee'
drop table emp

select * from employee
delete from ABC
delete from tablename where salary >50000
delete from employee where eid=8
delete emp

select * from emp

truncate table employee

--Alter table queries
--1) To Change the DataType
alter table employee
alter column eid int

sp_help employee

--2)To add the Column
alter table emp
add city varchar(25)

select * from emp

--3) To remove the column
alter table emp
drop column city

--4) To Change the name of the column
select * from employee
sp_rename 'employee.eid','EmpId'
sp_rename 'employee.empid','Eid'

--Extracting Data from one table into another new table.
--(new table will be created automatically)
select * into abc from employee

select * from abc

drop table abc

--Extracting data from one table and inserting into existing table

drop table emp
create table emp
empid int,
empname varchar(25),
esalary int,
city varchar(25),
deptid int

insert into emp select * from employee

select * from emp

---String Functions
select ascii('Abc')
select char(65)
select charindex('E','HELLO')
select left('Richard',4)
select LEFT(ename,3) from employee
select right('Richard',4)
select len('Richard')
select lower('RICHARD')
SELECT UPPER('richard')
select UPPER(ename) from employee
select power(5,2)
select reverse('Acti#on123*')
select substring('Weather',2,3)--It returns the part of the string.
--starting from 2 nd position extract three characters from the string
select sqrt(4)
select 'RICHARD' +space(2) +'hi'
select stuff('weather',2,3,'i') --It deletes the number of characters 
--from the starting position (2) and deletes the specified number
--of characters (3) insert a new character(i)

--Mathematical Function
select pi()
select power(2,3)
select floor(8.465)--It returns the largest Value less then or 
--equal to the specified value
select log(2)

select round(1234.567,2)
select round(1234.564,2)
select round(1234.567,1)
select round(1234.467,0)
select round(1234.567,-1)
select round(1234.567,-2)
select round(1234.567,-3)
select round(1567.567,-3)

--System Functions
select host_id() --It Returns the current host process ID Number of a client
select host_name() --It Returns the current host computer name of client.
select suser_sid('sa')--It Returns the Security Identification Number based on the log on name of the user
select suser_id('sa')--It Returns the Log on Identification Number based on the log on name of the user
select suser_sname(0x01)--It Returns the Log on name of the user based on the log on name of the user
select user_id('sa')--It Returns the USER Name
select db_id('cmp')--It returns the database identification number
select db_name(5)--It Returns the database name
select object_id('employee') -- It returns the object id
select object_id('department')
select object_name(2105058535) --It returns the object name

select * from employee
--Convert Function
select eid,convert(char(10),esalary)as 'Employee Salary'
from employee

--Ranking Functions
--We can use ranking functions to give sequential numbers for each row 
--or to give the ranking based on the specific criteria.

--row_number function returns the sequential numbers strating from 1
select eid,esalary,row_number() over(order by esalary desc)
as rank from employee

--rank function returns the rank of each row in a result based on a specified criteria.
select eid,esalary,rank() over(order by esalary desc)
as rank from employee

--dense_rank function is used to give the consecutive ranking values basedon the condition.
select eid,esalary,dense_rank() over(order by esalary desc)
as rank from employee

--Date Function
Datepart             abbrevation            values
year                    yy,yyyy    1753-9999
quater     qq,q    1-4
month     mm,m    1-12
day of the year   dy,y    1-366  
day      dd,d    1-31 
week     wk,ww    0-51
weekday     dw     1-7 (1 is sunday)
hour     hh     0-23
minute     mi     0-59
second     ss,s    0-59
millisecond    ms     0-999

--1)GETDATE() It returns the current date and time.
select getdate()

--2)DATEADD(DATEPART,NUMBER,DATE) It adds the date part to the date

select dateadd(dd,10,getdate())
select dateadd(mm,10,getdate())

--3)DATEDIFF(DATEPART,DATE1,DATE2) It calculates the number of dateparts between the two dates

select datediff(yy,'07/20/93',getdate())
select datediff(dd,'07/20/93',getdate())
select datediff(Mi,'07/20/93',getdate())
select datediff(Mm,'07/20/93',getdate())
select datediff(hh,'07/20/93',getdate())

--4)DATENAME(DATEPART,DATE)--It returns the datepart as a character
select month=Datename(mm,'01/30/87'),year=Datename(yy,'01/30/87')

--5)DATEPART(DATEPART,DATE) It returns the datepart as an integer
select datepart(mm,getdate())
select datename(mm,getdate())
----Group By
--To view data matching the specific criteria to be displayed 
--together in the result set we use group by clause.
--It summarizes the result set into groups as defined in the query 
--by using aggregate function.
--we can not use * in the group by clause.
--the columns which is specified in the select list has to be
--specified in the group by clause also.

select * from employee

select city,Minimum=min(esalary),Maximumm=max(esalary)
from employee
group by city

select city,Minimum=min(esalary),Maximumm=max(esalary)
from employee
where esalary>25000
group by city

select city,Minimum=min(esalary),Maximumm=max(esalary)
from employee
where esalary>25000
group by city
order by city desc

select * from employee

--Group By with Having Clause.
--It is same as the SELECT.....WHERE Clause.
--If we want to use where clause along with aggregate function
-- we can not use it in group by clause so
-- alternate option is to use Group By with Having Clause.

select city,sum(esalary) from employee
group by city
having avg(esalary)>25000

--Group By all
 --It is used to display all the groups including those which are 
-- excluded by the where clause.
 --If all keyword is not used Group By Clause does not show the 
--groups for which there are no matching rows.
--It displays NULL Where it does not match the records.

select city,Minimum=min(esalary),Maximumm=max(esalary)
from employee
where esalary>25000
group by all city

--CUBE Operator

create table sales(name varchar(30),countrycode varchar(30),sales int)
--drop table sales
select * from sales

insert into sales values('abc',001,1000)
insert into sales values('def',002,2000)
insert into sales values('abc',001,2300)
insert into sales values('def',003,3400)
insert into sales values('abc',002,1234)

Select name, countrycode, sum (sales) as totalsales from sales
Group by name, countrycode with CUBE

--Roll Up Operator

You won't see any difference since you're only rolling up a single column. Consider an example where we do


With a ROLLUP, it will have the following outputs:


With CUBE, it will have the following:


--CUBE essentially contains every possible rollup scenario for each node
--whereas ROLLUP will keep the hierarchy in tact (so it won't skip MONTH and show YEAR/DAY, whereas CUBE will)

Select name,countrycode, sum (sales) from sales 
group by Name,countrycode with Rollup

--2nd Example OF Cube & Rollup


--drop table sales1

INSERT Sales1 VALUES(1, 2005, 12000)
INSERT Sales1 VALUES(1, 2006, 18000)
INSERT Sales1 VALUES(1, 2007, 25000)
INSERT Sales1 VALUES(2, 2005, 15000)
INSERT Sales1 VALUES(2, 2006, 6000)
INSERT Sales1 VALUES(3, 2006, 20000)
INSERT Sales1 VALUES(3, 2007, 24000)

SELECT EmpId, Yr, SUM(Sales) AS Sales FROM Sales1 

SELECT EmpId, Yr, SUM(Sales) AS Sales FROM Sales1

--Compute By Clause is used to generate the sub total.
 -- Order By Clause has to be used whenever Compute by Clause is used.
 -- The number of columns and the order of columns specified in 
--  the Compute By Clause should
--  match the number of columns and the order of columns
--  specified in the Order By Clause.

--Compute Clause is used to generate summary rows by 
--using aggregate functions in the query.
--Compute Clause gives the Grand total.
--Order By Clause can be eliminated in the Compute Clause.
--compute as well as compute by can be used in the same query also.

---Compute By
select city,esalary
from employee
order by city
compute sum(esalary) by city

select city,esalary
from employee
order by city
compute sum(esalary),min(esalary),max(esalary) by city

select *
from employee
order by city
compute sum(esalary),min(esalary),max(esalary) by city

select *
from employee
order by city,ename
compute sum(esalary) by ename,city

select city,esalary
from employee
order by city
compute sum(esalary) by city
compute sum(esalary)

select *
from employee
order by city
compute sum(esalary),min(esalary),max(esalary) by city
compute sum(esalary),min(esalary),max(esalary)

select city,esalary
from employee
order by ename,city
compute sum(esalary) by city,ename
compute sum(esalary),min(esalary),max(esalary)

select * from employee
select * from department

--UNION is used to select distinct values from two tables.
--UNION ALL is used to select all values (including duplicates) from the tables.
--union all is faster than union, as union involve sorting operation to find distinct records.
    CREATE TABLE Students2000(  
        Name VARCHAR(15),  
        TotalMark INT)  
    CREATE TABLE Stundents2005(  
        Name VARCHAR(15),  
        TotalMark INT)  
    INSERT INTO Students2000 VALUES('Robert',1063)  
    INSERT INTO Students2000 VALUES('John',1070) 
    INSERT INTO Students2000 VALUES('Rose',1032)  
    INSERT INTO Students2000 VALUES('Abel',1002)  
    INSERT INTO Students2005 VALUES('Robert',1063)  
    INSERT INTO Students2005 VALUES('Rose',1032)  
    INSERT INTO Students2005 VALUES('Boss',1086)  
    INSERT INTO Students2005 VALUES('Marry',1034)  

The SQL UNION ALL Operator is used to list all records from two or more select statements.
All the records from both tables must be in the same order.

    SELECT Name,TotalMarks FROM students2000 UNION ALL  
    SELECT Name,TotalMarks FROM students2005  

SELECT Name,TotalMarks FROM students2000 UNION  
SELECT Name,TotalMarks FROM students2005 


INTERSECT returns any distinct values that are returned by both the query 
on the left and right sides of the INTERSECT operand.

SELECT Name,TotalMarks FROM students2000 INTERSECT  
SELECT Name,TotalMarks FROM students2005  

--- Joins
--To Retrieve the data from the multiple tables Sql server allows to use
-- joins.
-- Joins allow you to view the data from the multiple tables in the
-- single result set.

--1)Inner Join
--It retrives the recored from the multiple tables.
--Only the rows with values satisfying the join condition will be
-- displayed.
-- Rows in both the tables that do not satisfy the join condition
 -- are not displayed.
-- If we don't write inner keyword then the default join is Inner Join.

select * from employee
select * from department

select e.eid,e.ename,e.city,e.esalary,d.deptname from employee e
join department d on e.did=d.deptid

--2) Outer Join
--Outer Join Displays the result set containing all the rows from one 
--  table and the matching rows from the another table.

--2a) Left Outer Join
--A left Outer join returns all the rows from the table specified
-- on the left side of the LEFT OUTER join keyword.
-- and the matching rows from the table specified on the right side.
-- Where it does not find the Matching record NULL will be displayed.

select e.*,d.deptname from employee e 
left outer join department d on e.did=d.deptid

select e.*,d.deptname from employee e, 
 department d where e.did*=d.deptid
--2b)Right Outer Join
--A Right Outer join returns all the rows from the table specified
-- on the Right side of the RIGHT OUTER join keyword.
-- and the matching rows from the table specified on the LEFT side.
-- Where it does not find the Matching record NULL will be displayed.

select e.*,d.* from employee e right outer join department d
 on e.did=d.deptid

-- 4)Full Outer Join
-- It is the combination of left and right outer join.
-- It returns all the matching and non-matching rows from both the tables.
-- NULL value will be displayed for the columns for which data 
-- is not available.

select e.*,d.* from employee e full outer join department d
 on e.did=d.deptid

--5)Cross Join
--It joins each row from one table with the each row of the other table.
--It displays the number of rows in the first table multiplied by the 
-- the number of rows in the second table.
--It returns the result as an cartesian product of the two tables.

select * from employee cross join department

--6) self join
--In Self join the table is joined with itself
select e1.*,e2.* from employee e1 join employee e2
 on e2.eid=e2.eid
create table employees
eid int,
ename varchar(25),
city varchar(25),
managerid int

insert into employees values(1,'cmp','Mumbai',3)
insert into employees values(2,'komal','Mumbai',2)
insert into employees values(3,'nikit','Delhi',1)
insert into employees values(4,'vishu','Mumbai',2)
insert into employees values(5,'bakri','Delhi',4)
insert into employees values(6,'kagaj','Mumbai',3)

select * from employees

select e.*,E2.ename as 'Manager Name' from employees e
join employees e2
on e.managerid=e2.eid

--7)Equi Join
--It is same as Inner Join.However it is using *.
--and it is used to display all the columns from both the tables.

select e.*,d.* from employee e join department d
 on e.did=d.deptid

-- While Querying data from the multiple tables, we might require to use
-- the result set of one query as an input for the condition of
-- another query.
-- at that time we have to use SubQuery.
--SubQuery is an SQL Query that is used within another SQL Statement.
--The query that represents the parent query is called as Outer query and
-- The query that represents the subquery is called an inner query.
--In Subquery first the inner query will get Executed and 
--then depends on the output of the inner query outer Query will get executed.

--IN Clause
select * from employee where did =(select
deptid from department where deptname='IT')

select * from employee where esalary >
 (select esalary from employee where ename='cmp')

select * from employee where did in(select
deptid from department where deptid>3)

select * from employee where did in(select
deptid from department where deptname='IT')

select * from employee where did in(select
deptid from department where deptid>2)

--Exist Keyword
--You Can use the Subquery to check if a set of records exist.
select * from employee where exists
(select * from department where deptid=2)

--Using Aggregate functions.
select * from employee
where esalary >(select avg(esalary) from employee)

-- It is Important to ensure that the data stored in the table
-- is consistent,correct and complete.
--This concept of maintaining consistency,correctness and completeness
-- of data is called data integrity.
--Data integrity is enforced to ensure that the data in the table
-- is accurate, consistent, and reliable.
--Sql server allows you to maintain Integrity by applying 
--constraints and rules.
--Constraints define rules and the regulation that must be 
-- followed to maintain consistency and the correctness of data

--1)Primary Key (ENTITY INTEGRITY)
--It is defined on a column or a set of columns(Composite key)
-- whose values uniquely indentify all the rows in a table.
--Those columns are known as Primarykey.
--There can be only one primary key per table.
--Primary key does not allow NULL Values.
--By default it creates Clustered index on a column.

 Create table abc
  aid int constraint pkaid primary key

create table abcd
aid int primary key

insert into abcd values(2)

  alter table employee
  add constraint pkeid primary key(eid)

--When you apply a Primary key after creating a table which has data
-- in it.It will give you the error if the data present in that
-- column is repeated and not unique.
--It can also give you the error if the column is not marked as not null.
--  In that case you have to execute following Query.
-- and alter the column as not null

  alter table employee
  alter column eid int not null

--2) Unique Constraint (ENTITY INTEGRITY)

--It is similar to Primary Key whose values uniquely 
--indentify all the rows in a table.Those columns are known as Uniquekey.
--You can have 249 Unique key per table.
--It allows NULL value but only once (Only a single value in the entire column).
--By default it creates Non-Clustered index on a column.

 Create table abc
  aid int constraint pkaid unique

  alter table employee
  add constraint pkeid unique(eid)

-- You have to create Foreign key to remove the data redundancy in two tables
-- and when the data in one table depends on the data in another table.

create table employee
did int constraint fkdid foreign key
references department(deptid)

alter table department
alter column deptid int not null

alter table department
add constraint pkdid primary key(deptid)

alter table employee
add constraint fkdeptid foreign key(did)
references department(deptid)

select * from employee
select * from department

insert into employee values(12,'Santosh',55000,'mumbai',2)

delete from department where deptid=2
delete from employee where did=2

delete from department where deptid=2

update employee set did=2 where eid=1 

--4) Check Constraint (DOMAIN INTEGRITY)
--It restricts the values to be inserted in the column.
--You can define multiple check constraints on a single column.
create table employee
city char(25) constraint chkcity check(city in('Mumbai','Delhi','Chennai','Kolkatta'))

alter table employee
add constraint chkcity check(city in('Mumbai','Delhi','Chennai','Kolkatta'))

alter table employee
add constraint chkcity check(phone like('[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'))

alter table employee
add constraint chksal check(esalary between 5000 and 50000)

--5)Default Constraint (User-Defined integrity)
--It is used to assign a constant value to a column.
--Only one default constraint can be created for a column.
--The column should not be an identity column.

create table employee
city varchar(25) default 'Mumbai'

alter table employee
add constraint defcity default 'Mumbai' for city

-- To remove a Constraint
alter table employee
drop constraint chkcity

--Creating Rule
--It enforces domain integrity.
--It is reusable you can create it once and apply it on many columns.

create rule rultype as @cities in('Mumbai','Delhi')

sp_bindrule 'rultype','employee.city'

sp_unbindrule 'employee.city'

drop rule rultype

---.WRITE Clause
create table sample
description varchar(MAX)

insert into sample values('This is a very long non-unicode string')

select * from sample

update sample set description
.write('n incredibly',9,5)

--Pivot Query
--It is used to convert the rows into columns.
create table cust
(custname varchar(20),
 item varchar(20),
 qty int

insert into cust values('SAM','MARKER',5)
insert into cust values('SAM','PENCIL',3)
insert into cust values('SAM','MARKER',3)
insert into cust values('JOHN','MARKER',1)
insert into cust values('JOHN','PENCIL',2)
insert into cust values('JOHN','MARKER',10)
insert into cust values('JOHN','PENCIL',9)


--Unpivot Query
-- It is used to Convert columns into rows.
create table unpvttable
names varchar(20),
Marker int,
Pencil int

insert into unpvttable values('Peter',14,20)
insert into unpvttable values('John',20,10)

SELECT * FROM unpvttable

-- Storing XML Data in a Table
-- SQL server 2005 uses XML datatype to save the xml data.
-- In SQL Server 2005 you can store the XML Data in the following ways.
1) A rowset
2) An xml column


1) Storing the xml data in a rowset.
-- The sql server allows you to use the XML Data by using the OPENXML 
-- function and it's related stored procedure.
--It involves the four steps.
1)parse the xml document
2)Retrieve the rowset from the tree.
3)Store the data into the table from the rowset.
4)Clear the memory.

1)Parsing the xml document
--To parse an xml document sql server 2005
-- provides the sp_xml_preparedocument stored procedure.
 --It creates an internal representatioon of the xml document.

2)Retrieve the rowset from the tree and store the data from the rowset
   using openxml function.
-- To retrive the xml data from the rowset you can use the openxml
-- function.
openxml(idoc int,rowpattern,flag int)

--a)idoc-specifies the document handler
    of the internal representation of an xml document.
--b)rowpattern specifies the pattern used to identify he node.
--c)flag used to map either he elements or the attributes.
   0- default mapping (attributes)
   1- to retrieve attributes values
   2- to retrieve elements values
   3- to retrieve elements and attributes both

4) Clear the menory
To remove the internal tree from the memory sql server 2005 provides 
stored procedure sp_xml_removedocument


SET @XMLDOC = '<Employee eid="1">


  with (Name varchar(10) ,Age int ,City varchar(15))




--2)Storing XML data in An xml column
you can save the two types of data in the columns with the xml datatype

1)Untyped xml data
   It is also well-formed data but it is not associcated with the schema.
   sql server does not validate this data but ensures that the data being
   saved in the column is well-formed.

2)Typed xml
   It is well-formed data that is associated with a schema.

drop table emp
create table emp
eid int,
edescription xml

insert into emp values(1,'<Employee>
insert into emp values(2,'<Employee>

select * from emp

--Retrieving the xml data from the table
you can retrieve the xml data from the table in the following two ways.

1)Using the FOR XML Clause in the select statement
2)Using XQuery

--Using FOR XML Clause
FOR XML Clause uses the following modes to retrieve the data.  

--SQL server allows you to create views to restrict user access to the data.
--View is a virtual table which provides access to the specific columns from
-- one or more tables.
--It is a query stored as an object in the database.
--View does not contain any data it derives the data from one or more tables
-- called as base tables.
--It has a similar structure to the table on which the view is created.

--Apart from security reasons view can be created to retrive the data from
-- two tables using joins. and if we need to frequently execute this quey
--we can create a view to execute this query


create view viewname
with  encryption
with check option

--with encryption option will not allow you to view the definition of the view.

--with check option specifies the data modification statements to meet the
 -- criteria given in the select statement of the view.

create view vwemps
select eid,esalary from employee

select * from vwemps

Create view vwemp
with encryption
Select e.*,d.* from employee e join department d on
e.did = d.deptid

select * from vwemp
drop view vwemps

select* from employee
select * from department

Select * from vwemp

sp_help 'vwemp'

Select * from vwemp where eid = 1
Select * from vwemp where city='mumbai'

create view vwemp
select * from employee where did=1
with check option

select * from vwemp
update vwemp set did=3 where eid=1

select * from employee

create view vwe
select * from employee where city='Mumbai'

select *from vwe

update vwe set city='Delhi' where eid=3

--You can not modify did column beacuse it is used in where clause
--in view with check option

--Modifying view
Alter view vwemp

---Drop a view
Drop view vwemp
--Renaming a view
SP_rename vwemp, vwemployee

---Modifying Data using view
--View do not maintain a  separate copy of data.
--The data is present in the base tables.
--Therefore you can modify the base tables by modifying the data
--in the view.

• You can not modify data in a view if the modification affects
    more than one base table.
• You can modify data in a view if the modification affects
    only one base table at a time.

select * from department
select * from employee

select * from vwemp

Update vwemp set  city = 'Mumbai' where eid = 3
Update vwemp set deptname = 'MARKETING' where did = 5
update vwemp set city='MUMBAI',DEPTNAME='IT' where eid=3

The Sys.sql_modules system view can be used to display the
view definition using a select query and supplying the object ID
 of the view in the where clause.

Select definition from Sys.sql_modules where object_id = object_id('vwemp')

select object_id('employee')

This function can be used to display the view definition by providing the
object id of the view as the input parameter.

Select object_definition(Object_id ('vwemp'))

--sp_refresh view option
   At the time of creating a view a view can be created with the
Scheme Binding option. If this option is not used then
the changes made in the base tables does not affect in the
view in that case

drop table customer

Create table customer
Custid int,
Custname varchar (50)

select * from customer

insert into customer values(1,'abc')

Create view vwcustomer
Select * from customer

Select * from vwcustomer

Alter table customer
Add age int


Select * from vwcustomer

SP_refreshview 'vwcustomer'

Select * from vwcustomer

--Inserting data through view
Insert into vwcustomer values (3, 'pqr','50')
select * from customer

--Deleting data through view
delete from vwcustomer where custid = 3


--A batch is a group of T-SQL statements submitted
--together to the sql server for the faster execution.
--SQL server compiles all the statements of a batch into a single executable unit
--called as execution plan and helps in saving the execution time.

--To Create a batch we need to write multiple T-SQL statements
-- followed by the keyword GO at the end.
-- GO is a command that specifies the end of the batch and sends the SQL Statements
-- to the sql server.
--You can not use statements like create rule,create function,create procedure,
-- create trigger in a batch


declare @var int
select @var=20
--select @var
print @var

declare @var varchar(50)
select @var='chirag'
select @var as 'Variable Name'

declare @var int
declare @var1 int
declare @var2 int
select @var=5
select @var1=7
select @var2=@var+@var1
print @var2

declare @var int
declare @var1 int
declare @var2 int
select @var=50
select @var1=7
select @var2=@var*@var1
print @var2

declare @var varchar(20)
declare @var1 varchar(20)
declare @var2 varchar(20)
select @var='abc'
select @var1='pqr'
select @var2=@var+@var1
print @var2

declare @abc int
select @abc=sum(esalary)from employee
print @abc+500

declare @abc int
select @abc=avg(esalary)from employee
print @abc

declare @abc int
select @abc=max(esalary)from employee
select @abc
--print @abc
select @abc as 'Max Employee Salary'

declare @abc int
select @abc=count(eid)from employee
--print @abc
select @abc as 'No of Employees'


if exists(select * from department where deptid=20)
print 'The Details are'
select * from employee where did=2
print'No Records are Found'

select * from employee

--CASE Statement
select eid,ename,'City Name'=
case city
when 'Mumbai' then 'The city is Mumbai'
when 'delhi' then 'The city is Delhi'
from employee

--While statement
WHILE (SELECT AVG(esalary) FROM employee) > 5000
   UPDATE employee
      SET esalary = esalary+500
   IF (SELECT MAX(esalary) FROM employee) > 60000
PRINT 'Too much for the market to bear'


--ERROR_NUMBER() returns the number of the error.
--ERROR_SEVERITY() returns the severity.
--ERROR_STATE() returns the error state number.
--ERROR_PROCEDURE() returns the name of the stored procedure or trigger
  -- where the error occurred.
--ERROR_LINE() returns the line number inside the routine that caused the error.
--ERROR_MESSAGE() returns the complete text of the error message.

begin try
select 5/0
end try
begin catch
select 'There was an error' + error_message() as ErrorMessage,
error_line() as ErrorLine,
error_number() as ErrorNumber,
error_procedure() as ErrorProcedure,
error_severity() as ErrorSeverity,
error_state() as ErrorState
end catch

-- RAISERROR Satement is used to return messages to the application that
-- are executing the sql statements.
--It uses the same format as a system error or warning messages generated by the database.

-- Batches are temporary and to execute a batch more then once, you need to
-- recreate sql statements and submit them to the server. this leads to an increase in the
-- overhead as the server needs to compile and create the execution plan for the statements
-- again therefore if you need to execute a batch multiple times you can save it within a
-- stored procedure.

-- A stored procedure is a collection of T-SQL statements
-- and it is a precompiled object stored in the database.

--The sql server compiles the procedure and saves it as a database object.
the process of compiling a stored procedure involves the following steps.

1) The procedure is compiled and its componenets are broken into pieces.
   this process is known as parsing.
2) The existance of the table,view is checked this process is known as resolving.
3) The name of the stored procedure is stored in the sysobjects table and the
   code that creates the stored procedure is stored in the syscomments table.
4) the procedure is compiled and the blueprint for how the query will run is created.
   this blueprint is specified as execution plan. and this execution plan is saved in
   the procedure cache.
5) when the procedure is executed for the first time the execution
   plan will be read and then run. The next time the procedure is executed
   in the same session it will be read directly from the cache.
   this increase the performance of the query as the query is not compiled again.

--How to create stored procedure

Create procedure prcemp
Select * from employee

--SP helptext command
SP_helptext prcemp

--How to execute procedure

Execute prcemp
Exec Prcemp

--Creating OF Stored Procedure With Encryption
create procedure p_emp11
with encryption
select * from employee

sp_helptext p_emp11

--Generic Stored Procedure (Passing Parameter)

--The procedure that is defined with the parameteres is known as generic
--stored procedure.
--There are two types of parameters Input and Output.
--The default parameter is input parameter.
--Input parameter takes the input from the user.
--Output parameter is used to return the values to the user.

Create procedure preemp @city varchar(15)
Select * from employee
Where city = @city

Execute preemp 'mumbai'

select * from employee

---Output Parameter
create procedure prce @eid int,@ename varchar(30) output,
                      @city varchar(20) output
select @ename=ename,@city=city from employee
where eid=@eid

declare @e varchar(30),@c varchar(20)
execute prce 1,@e output,@c output
select @e,@c
select @e as 'employee name'

drop procedure prce

--Return Statement Inside The Stored Procedure
create proc calc_square @num int=0

declare @square int;
execute @square=calc_square 10;
select @square

--Using default value
Create procedure prcemp1 @city varchar (15) = 'Mumbai'
Select * from employee
Where city = @city

prcemp1 'Delhi'

--using null values
Create procedure preemp2
@city varchar(15) = Null
If @city is Null
      Print 'enter the city name'
       Select * from employee where city =@city


preemp2 'Mumbai'

---Using If-Else
Create procedure preemp3
If (select count(*) from employee where city = 'Mumbai') > 0
     Print 'Records found'
     Select * from employee where city = 'Mumbai'
     Print 'Records not found'


--Inserting data through stored procedure
Create procedure preemp4
@cid int, @cname varchar (20),@cage int
Insert into customer values (@cid, @cname,@cage)

Execute preemp4 5, 'salman' ,20

select * from customer
--This way you can delete/or update also

---Updating Record Through Stored Procedure

Create procedure prcupdate @id int,@name varchar(20),@age int
If @name is NULL
Print 'Null Value is not allowed for the column Name'
update customer set custname=@name,age=@age where custid=@id

Execute prcupdate 1,'xyz',22

--Modifying a stored procedure
Alter procedure procedurename

--Calling a Procedure from another stored procedure
create procedure prctemp
execute prcemp

exec prctemp

A user defined functions are database objects that contains a set of T-SQL
statements, accepts parameters,performs an action and returns the result
of that action as a value.

A user defined functions are used in situations where you need to implement the
logic that does not involve any permanent changes to the database objects.

There are two types of Functions.
1) Creating Scalar Functions
2) Creating table-valued funtions

--1)Creating Scalar Functions
Scalar functions accepts a single value as a parameter and
return single value of the type specified in the RETURNS Clause

create function fnrate(@city varchar(25))
returns varchar(20)
return 'Your city is ' + @city

declare @c varchar(25)
set @c=dbo.fnrate ('Mumbai')
print @c

create function fnrate1 (@payrate float)
returns float
return (@payrate * 8 * 30)

declare @p float
set @p=dbo.fnrate1(1000)
print @p

create function empfunction(@eid int)
returns int
declare @sal int
select @sal=esalary from employee where eid=@eid
return @sal

declare @s int
set @s=dbo.empfunction(5)
print @s

--Creating Table-Valued Functions
A table values function returns a table as an output (as a table datatype).
They are of two types.
1)Inline table-valued function
2)Multistatement table-valued function

1)Inline table-valued function

An Inline table-valued function returns a variable of a table data type
from the result set of a single select statement.
It does not contain a function body within the BEGIN and END statement.

create function fnemp (@city varchar(20))
returns table
return (select * from employee where city=@city)

--To Execute the function you need to write the following

select * from fnemp('delhi')

--2)Multistatement table-valued function
A Multistatement table-valued function uses multiple statements to
build the table that is returned to the calling statement.
The function body contains a BEGIN...END block.
it consist of T-SQL Statements and insert the rows into a temporary table.
The temporary table is returned in the result set.

create function fnemps (@salary int)
returns @table table
( empid int,
  empname varchar(25),
  salary int,
  city varchar(25),
  did int
insert @table
select * from employee where esalary > @salary

select * from fnemps(20000)
drop function fnemps

--Triggers are database objects which is a block of code that constitutes a set
-- of T-SQL statements activated in response to certain actions such as insert,
-- delete or update.
--Triggers are used to ensure the data integrity.
--Triggers can not returns data to the user.

There are two types of triggers
1) DML Trigger
2) DDL Trigger

DML triggers are fired when the data in the base table is affected by
insert,delete or update statement.

DDL Triggers are fired in response to DDL Statements such as create table,
create view etc.
They are categorised as
1) After trigger
2) instead of trigger
3) Nested Trigger

we can create more than one trigger on a single table.
then the triggers will get executed in the sequence of creation.
we can change the order of the trigger by using

sp_settriggerorder 'triggername','First','delete'

create table trigger_table1
id int,
name varchar(30),
dateofbirth datetime,
salary int

select * from trigger_table1

drop table trigger_table1

insert into trigger_table1 values(1,'Asdin','8/19/1984',10000)
insert into trigger_table1 values(2,'Malcolm','11/16/1984',20000)
insert into trigger_table1 values(4,'Chirag','1/1/2000',5000)

--Creating Triggers On Insert Statement(DML)
create trigger trigger1
on trigger_table1
for insert
if (select salary from inserted)>50000
print'You Cannot Insert Salary Above 50000'
rollback transaction

insert into trigger_table1 values(4,'Sanoj','5/5/1985',50000)
insert into trigger_table1 values(5,'Santosh','4/4/1983',50001)

--To View The Defination Of The Trigger

sp_helptext trigger1

--To Drop The Trigger

drop trigger trigger1

--To Alter a Trigger

alter trigger trigger1
on trigger_table1
with encryption
for insert
if (select salary from inserted)>50000
print'You Cannot Insert Salary Above 50000'
rollback transaction

--Creating Trigger For Updating Records (DML)

create trigger trigger2
on trigger_table1
for update
if(select dateofbirth from inserted)>getdate()
print'Date OF Birth Cannot Be More Than Todays Date'
rollback transaction

update trigger_table1 set dateofbirth='06/15/2013' where id=4
update trigger_table1 set dateofbirth='10/20/2010'where id=4

select * from trigger_table1
--Creating Trigger For Deleting Records (DML)

create trigger trigger3
on trigger_table1
for delete
if 'CHIRAG'in(select name from deleted)
print 'You Cannot Delete The User Chirag'
rollback transaction

delete from trigger_table1 where name='CHIRAG'
--Creating AFTER Trigger

create trigger trigger4
on trigger_table1
after delete
declare @num int
select @num=count(*)from deleted
print 'No of Employees Deleted = '+convert(varchar(15),@num)

delete from trigger_table1 where id=4

create trigger trigger5
on trigger_table1
after insert
declare @var varchar(20)
select @var=count(*) from inserted
print'No. OF Employees Inserted=' +convert(varchar(20),@var)

insert into trigger_table1 values(4,'sanoj','1/1/2007',45000)
insert into trigger_table1 values(4,'sanoj','1/1/2007',35000)

drop trigger trigger5
--Creating Instead OF Trigger

create trigger trigger5
on trigger_table1
instead of delete
print 'You can not delete the records'

delete from trigger_table1 where id=1

select * from trigger_table1

--Creating Triggers For Permission on Tables To Be Created (DDL)

create trigger trigger8
on database
for create_table
print'You Do Not Have The Permission To Create a Tables'
rollback transaction

select * from abc
drop table abc
drop trigger trigger8
create table abc(id int,name varchar(20))

--Creating Triggers For Permission on Views To Be Created (DDL)

create trigger trigger9
on database
for create_view
print'You Do Not Have The Permission To Create Views'
rollback transaction

create view vabc
select * from trigger_table1

--Creating Triggers For Permission on Tables To Be Altered (DDL)

create trigger trigger10
on database
for alter_table
print'You Do Not Have The Permission To Alter a Table'
rollback transaction

alter table trigger_table1
add job varchar(20)

--Creating Triggers For Permission on Tables To Be Deleted (DDL)

create trigger trigger11
on database
for drop_table
print'You Do Not Have The Permission To Drop a Table'
rollback transaction

drop trigger trigger11

drop table trigger_table1

select * from employee

--Creating The full-text index on a table
--Full text search allows you to search for a wide range of text in the tables.
--if the data is large the search query takes a long time to retrieve the 
--data from the table in this case we can apply a fulltext search on a column to improve the 
--performance of the query.

--Enable fulltext index on a database
sp_fulltext_database enable

--create fulltext catalog
--It acts as a container to store full text indexes.
create fulltext catalog
ft_catalog1 as default

--create unique index
--after creating a full-text catalog you have to create a unique index on a table
alter table employee
alter column eid int not null

create unique index ix on employee(eid)

drop index ix on employee

--create fulltext index
create fulltext index on employee(ename) key index ix

alter fulltext index on employee add(city)

--It searches for the values that match the meaning and not just the exact 
--wording of the words in the search condition.

select city from employee
where freetext(city,'mumbai')

--Contains is used to search for a specific phrase or for the exact match.

--Using CONTAINS and phrase in <simple_term>
The following example returns all cities that contain either the 
phrase "mumbai" or "delhi".

SELECT city from employee
WHERE CONTAINS(city, ' "Mumbai" OR "delhi" ')

-- Using CONTAINS with <prefix_term>
The following example returns all city names with at least one word 
starting with the prefix ch in the city column.

SELECT city from employee
WHERE CONTAINS(city, ' "Ch*" ');
--- Joins
--To Retrieve the data from the multiple tables Sql server allows to use
-- joins.
-- Joins allow you to view the data from the multiple tables in the
-- single result set.

--1)Inner Join
--It retrives the recored from the multiple tables.
--Only the rows with values satisfying the join condition will be
-- displayed.
-- Rows in both the tables that do not satisfy the join condition
 -- are not displayed.
-- If we don't write inner keyword then the default join is Inner Join.

select * from employee
select * from department

select e.eid,e.ename,e.city,e.esalary,d.deptname from employee e
join department d on e.did=d.deptid

--2) Outer Join
--Outer Join Displays the result set containing all the rows from one 
--  table and the matching rows from the another table.

--2a) Left Outer Join
--A left Outer join returns all the rows from the table specified
-- on the left side of the LEFT OUTER join keyword.
-- and the matching rows from the table specified on the right side.
-- Where it does not find the Matching record NULL will be displayed.

select e.*,d.deptname from employee e 
left outer join department d on e.did=d.deptid

select e.*,d.deptname from employee e, 
 department d where e.did*=d.deptid
--2b)Right Outer Join
--A Right Outer join returns all the rows from the table specified
-- on the Right side of the RIGHT OUTER join keyword.
-- and the matching rows from the table specified on the LEFT side.
-- Where it does not find the Matching record NULL will be displayed.

select e.*,d.* from employee e right outer join department d
 on e.did=d.deptid

-- 4)Full Outer Join
-- It is the combination of left and right outer join.
-- It returns all the matching and non-matching rows from both the tables.
-- NULL value will be displayed for the columns for which data 
-- is not available.

select e.*,d.* from employee e full outer join department d
 on e.did=d.deptid

--5)Cross Join
--It joins each row from one table with the each row of the other table.
--It displays the number of rows in the first table multiplied by the 
-- the number of rows in the second table.
--It returns the result as an cartesian product of the two tables.

select * from employee cross join department

--6) self join
--In Self join the table is joined with itself
select e1.*,e2.* from employee e1 join employee e2
 on e2.eid=e2.eid
create table employees
eid int,
ename varchar(25),
city varchar(25),
managerid int

insert into employees values(1,'cmp','Mumbai',3)
insert into employees values(2,'komal','Mumbai',2)
insert into employees values(3,'nikit','Delhi',1)
insert into employees values(4,'vishu','Mumbai',2)
insert into employees values(5,'bakri','Delhi',4)
insert into employees values(6,'kagaj','Mumbai',3)

select * from employees

select e.*,E2.ename as 'Manager Name' from employees e
join employees e2
on e.managerid=e2.eid

--7)Equi Join
--It is same as Inner Join.However it is using *.
--and it is used to display all the columns from both the tables.

select e.*,d.* from employee e join department d
 on e.did=d.deptid

-- While Querying data from the multiple tables, we might require to use
-- the result set of one query as an input for the condition of
-- another query.
-- at that time we have to use SubQuery.
--SubQuery is an SQL Query that is used within another SQL Statement.
--The query that represents the parent query is called as Outer query and
-- The query that represents the subquery is called an inner query.
--In Subquery first the inner query will get Executed and 
--then depends on the output of the inner query outer Query will get executed.

--IN Clause
select * from employee where did =(select
deptid from department where deptname='IT')

select * from employee where esalary >
 (select esalary from employee where ename='cmp')

select * from employee where did in(select
deptid from department where deptid>3)

select * from employee where did in(select
deptid from department where deptname='IT')

select * from employee where did in(select
deptid from department where deptid>2)

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JDBC  Connectivity With MySQL